We Explain Everything About Yield Farming

yield farming involves providing liquidity to a decentralized exchange (DEX) or lending platform in exchange for rewards in the form of interest or tokens. The rewards are generated from trading fees and other sources of income on the platform.

It's worth mentioning that yield farming is a relatively new and rapidly evolving concept in the DeFi space, and can be risky due to the volatility of the cryptocurrency markets and the potential for technical failures or hacking. As such, it's important for potential yield farmers to thoroughly research and understand the risks involved before participating.

The use of APY to measure interest rates and rewards is a common practice in the DeFi space, and it is an important aspect for yield farmers to consider when evaluating potential investment opportunities.

Additionally, the comparison of yield farming to early-stage startups is a good way to understand the potential rewards, but also the risks involved. Yield farming can offer high returns, but there is also a significant level of risk involved, as the success of the platform and the value of the rewards received are dependent on a variety of factors.

Finally, the concept of liquidity pools and automatic market makers is an essential aspect of yield farming. The combination of staked assets into liquidity pools enables decentralized exchanges and lending platforms to offer automated and permissionless trading, which has become a defining feature of the DeFi space.

When investing in a liquidity pool, users will receive a Liquidity Pool token to keep track of their overall contributions to the pool. This LP token will represent the percentage of the liquidity pool the investor has provided and will be exchanged when you exit the pool.

Fact: The word ‘farming’ in yield farming comes from the farming analogy about ‘growing’ your cryptocurrency.

What Is a Yield Farmer?

A crypto enthusiast with a strong understanding and a high willingness to take risks strives to maximize their earnings through staking cryptocurrencies. They continuously search for the best returns, frequently switching between pools in pursuit of the highest annual percentage yield (APY).

A yield farmer invests x token into a farming pool to earn Y tokens as rewards. They then strategically allocate their Y tokens into liquidity pools to increase their returns, continuously optimizing their yield.

How Does Yield Farming Work?

An investor stakes their cryptocurrency through a decentralized finance (DeFi) application using a lending protocol. This provides liquidity that other investors can borrow to take advantage of price fluctuations in the staked coins. Yield farming incentivizes early investors by distributing governance tokens, which give the holders a say in the project's decision-making through voting rights. Governance tokens maintain decentralization in decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) and other projects governed by its users. Liquidity pools are crucial for maintaining the ecosystem and are a primary source of early liquidity in smaller projects.

What Are the Potential Rewards for Yield Farming?

Crypto yield farming became popular in 2020 and saw high returns, including triple-digit annual percentage yields (APYs). However, these high yields are accompanied by volatility, as the rewards received from such farms are often subject to sudden changes in value, known as rug pulls. It is recommended to research thoroughly before participating in yield farming, which can be found in a list of the most profitable farms, along with their APYs, on CoinMarketCap. Some yield farms offer low risk with double-digit yearly APYs, while riskier farms can provide triple or quadruple-digit APYs in the short term, but such returns are unsustainable. Profiting from yield farming often requires high-level strategies and a significant investment, even for beginners.

Liquidity Mining

Typically, a crypto yield farmer earns interest on their stake based on the annual percentage yield (APY). With liquidity mining, the farmer is also rewarded with a new token in addition to the interest, as a form of gratitude for participating in the program.

Risks of Crypto Yield Farming

As with all speculative markets, such as cryptocurrency, a higher-than-normal tolerance for risk is necessary for yield farming, which is conducted exclusively on decentralized exchanges (DEXs). This creates multiple potential risks to consider.

Rug Pulls

A rug pull occurs when the developers or founders of a cryptocurrency abruptly abandon the project, often without notice, taking the liquidity provided by investors with them. The result is that the investors' coins become worthless. A rug pull is a type of exit scam, with the intention of never returning to the project. Yield farmers are more susceptible to such scams due to their investment in startup cryptocurrency projects and the anonymity of cryptocurrency transactions.

Smart Contract Bugs or Hacks

Smart contract risk is the most significant threat in yield farming. It occurs when bugs in the code make the farmer's funds vulnerable to hacking or theft.

Impermanent loss

While staking, the farmer's coins still follow the market value of the coin, which means that in theory, the investor may lose more than what they receive in interest if the value of their staked crypto drops significantly. However, it can be argued that the farmer would not have sold their coins even if they were not staking, so they have at least gained some interest.


Dealing with highly volatile cryptocurrencies can result in significant price increases or decreases while the crypto is locked in a stake, and the investor is unable to act until the coins are released, similar to the concept of impermanent loss.

What Are the Best Platforms for Yield Farming

Yield farming is typically done on well-established decentralized exchanges (DEXs) that support decentralized applications (dApps). Some of the most popular platforms for yield farming include Uniswap, Pancake swap, Sushiswap, and 1inch Network. It's important to note that DeFi has a steeper learning curve compared to centralized exchanges, and mistakes can be costly. Hence, it's crucial to conduct thorough research before participating in yield farming on any platform.

Is Yield Farming Worth It?

Success in yield farming requires not only having a solid strategy in place and enough capital to invest, but also a passion for actively seeking out and maximizing passive income. Yield farming is best suited for those who are willing to invest a significant sum, as high gas fees on networks like Ethereum can quickly eat away at smaller investments. If you're not ready to invest both time and money, it may be better to start with basic staking and gradually build up to yield farming.

Final Thoughts

However, it is important to keep in mind that yield farming can be extremely volatile and risky. It is recommended to thoroughly research and understand the projects and platforms involved before investing, and to have a well-thought-out strategy in place. Also, it is advisable to never invest more than you are willing to lose. Remember, high rewards come with high risk in yield farming.


Is Yield Farming Profitable?

Crypto yield farming has the potential for high rewards, but it is not without risks. It is important to have a thorough understanding of the market, potential risks, and proper strategies in place to maximize returns. A high risk tolerance and an active management approach are also important factors in achieving success with yield farming.

What is Yield Farming?

In crypto yield farming, the staked coins serve as a source of liquidity to help maintain the stability of a decentralized exchange (DEX). In return, the yield farmer receives rewards in the form of interest, token bonuses, or both. Similar to traditional staking, yield farming serves as a way for early investors to provide liquidity and earn rewards for their support of a given platform.

What is the Best Crypto to Yield Farm?

Users can familiarize themselves with many crypto yield farming platforms. Some of the largest include eToro and

How Do You Earn Yield on Crypto?

By staking their crypto coins through a lending protocol, an investor provides liquidity to the system. Other investors can then use this liquidity to make their own investments and take advantage of price swings in the staked coins. In return, the original investor receives rewards in the form of interest and potentially additional tokens as a thank you for their participation in the yield farming process.
